Three celestial beings tasked with guiding the newly deceased as they sit in the God Chair cannot come to terms with how they are supposed to do their duty or why.


What if God is us? In this quirky vision of the afterlife, the deceased are each given a chance to sit in the all-powerful God Chair. Their success depends on whether the guides who help them can make peace with themselves long enough to make peace on Earth. Written by Mike Peebler

Earnestine Phillips Earnestine Phillips
Guide 1
Steven Shields Steven Shields
Guide 2
Ari Skye Ari Skye
Guide 3
Nicholas Thurkettle Nicholas Thurkettle
Confederate Soldier
Rosemarie Belden Rosemarie Belden
Elderly Russian Woman
Marc Fellner Marc Fellner
Wall Street Businessman
Brooklyn Fellner-Erez Brooklyn Fellner-Erez
Smiling Toddler
Morgan Lester Morgan Lester
Young Female Astronaut
Christian Calloway Christian Calloway
Jordan Turchin Jordan Turchin
Daisuke Tsuji Daisuke Tsuji
Eskimo Man
Megan Louise Berndt Megan Louise Berndt
Teenage Girl
Tiffany L. Gray Tiffany L. Gray
Coke Woman
Jeremiah Benjamin Jeremiah Benjamin
Hairy Viking
Paul Burt Paul Burt
Large Man