“Ramona” is a short story about the journey of a shy and innocent 16 year-old Mexican girl who is sold into sex trafficking by her father. The story begins on U.S. soil where Tapo, a coyote smuggler, transports a group of undocumented immigrants along with Ramona through the middle of the desert while he awaits the second coyote, Gerardo. Gerardo will then take Ramona to a drop house to take up shelter for the night and when morning comes he will transport her to his sex trafficking liaison in Los Angeles. Starring Gabriela Cartol as RAMONA and Gerardo Taracena as GERARDO! Campaign Video Cast/Crew: Starring: Daniela Babey/VIRIDIANA Antonio De Jesus Sanchez Norma Medina Stacey Main Ramon Camacho/ACTOR Phoenix Webb Crew: Antonio De Jesus Sanchez/WRITER/DIRECTOR/PRODUCER Norma Medina/PRODUCER/DP Jesse Aragon/DP Stacey Main/AD Edited by Norma Medina and Antonio De Jesus Sanchez
La Ramona
SYNOPSIS ENG “La Ramona” is a short story about the journey of a shy and innocent 16-year-old Mexican girl who is sold into the world of human sex trafficking. Tapo, a human smuggler, transports a group of undocumented immigrants along with Ramona through the middle of the desert and delivers them to Gerardo, a second coyote. Gerardo takes Ramona to a drop house to take up shelter for the night and when morning comes he will transport her to his sex trafficking liaison in Los Angeles. SINOPSIS ESP “La Ramona” es un cortometraje sobre el viaje de una niña mexicana de 16 años de edad, tímida e inocente que es forzada a aceptar su realidad cuando es vendida al mundo de la trata de personas. La historia comienza en suelo estadounidense, donde Tapo, un traficante de personas, transporta por el medio del desierto a Ramona y a un grupo de inmigrantes indocumentados, mientras espera a Gerardo, el segundo coyote. Gerardo llevará a Ramona a una casa abandonada para pasar la noche y cuando la mañana llegue, la transportará a su comprador en Los Ángeles.