Teaser for the three music videos produced for Eduardo Tió’s (eduardotio.com) debut album “Debajo Del Sol.”
The songs to be featured are “Todo Lo Que Necesito,” “Mezcla Perfecta,” and the title track “Debajo Del Sol.” The music videos follow the story of a couple at three different stages of their relationship: the meeting/first spark, the intimacy/sexual chemistry about a year into it, and the possible fall out a few years later.
Directed by: Kryzz Gautier (KryzzG.com)
Cinematographer: Jesse Aragon (jessearagon.com)
Producers: Kryzz Gautier & Brett L. Marshall
Production Company: REClaimed Entertainment (REClaimedEntertainment.com)
Starring: Corbin Rivera & Alexis Carpinello